It's time for another quiz woo
1. You are given a gun and told that you must shoot someone. Whoever you do not shoot, you must guide to safety in a dangerous place, with enemy fire on you at all times. Before you stand a young boy, a grown woman who is heavily pregnant and an old woman who begs you for mercy. Who do you shoot?
a. I shoot the young boy. He will go to a better place as he is not yet old enough to have committed any sins.
b. I shoot the pregnant woman. If I am to escape with the survivors, she will be the heaviest burden and compromise us all.
c. I shoot the old woman. She has lived a full life, while the other two have a potentially good, long lives ahead of them.
d. I shoot nobody and tell the three to escape, hoping I can turn the gun on the enemies and escape.
e. I shoot myself. I will not kill these people.
I shot the old woman simply for the reason stated, and I am not willing to risk/take my own life.
2. A bully beats you up at school. You are terrified of this person. What do you do?
a. I attempt to make peace with this person.
b. I let them beat me up and avoid them in the future.
c. I make the bully uncomfortable by stating truths about his/her life that I have figured out.
d. I outwit the bully and then blackmail him/her.
e. I face my fear, stand up to the bully, and beat them up twice as badly.
Even though this could lead to more trouble, it's better than revenge or forfeit.
3. You are at a committee meeting for an event that is extremely important to you and the people around you. The leader of the group calls for silence. What do you do?
a. Smile kindly at the leader to show him/her that I am open and ready to hear what they have to say.
b. I am already silent. I wasn't talking or whispering anyway.
c. It takes me a moment to settle down; my friends are around me and we have a laugh together.
d. I straighten up to show that I am paying attention but still exchange comments with the person next to me.
e. I raise my voice above the others and ask the leader what he/she would like to discuss when everyone else stops being so rude.
f. I can see what the person is going to say will be important, so I quiet down and listen.
Truthfully, I think that this one is a matter of personality.
4. One of your distant friends is in a relationship with someone, and they have told you they love their partner. You start to develop feelings for your friend's partner, and they tell you that they like you, too. What do you decide to do?
a. I think about if gaining a potential lover - who I'm not even sure things will work out with - is word losing a good friend.
b. I do nothing and advise my could-be-lover that even if he/she ends things with my friend, I will not be available to them. They should only end things if they are not happy themselves.
c. I am honest with my friend about my feelings and the feelings that his/her lover have expressed towards me.
d. I take what I want. I don't know when this will happen again, and he/she is obviously not happy with my friend.
e. I suggest an affair. Everybody can be satisfied that way.
No relationship is worth losing a friend over.
5. There is a new girl at school. You befriend her immediately and discover you both have a lot in common. However, your best friend dislikes her. What do you do?
a. I tell my best friend that he/she is being unreasonable and warn my new friend that she is my best friend's new target.
b. I withdraw from the situation completely. Maybe the two will become friends without me between them.
c. I roll my eyes and force the two to spend time around each other. I do not pick sides.
d. I hang out with each friend individually, not caring what they think of each other. They don't have to be friends with each other to both be friends with me.
e. I attempt to mediate.
I think that the reason for hanging out separately is totally correct.
6. You and three other people are given materials to build something with the goal of surviving. What do you build?
a. Shelter to protect me from the elements.
b. A weapon to defend me from foes and threats.
c. A greenhouse to grow food.
d. I build nothing, dividing my materials equally amongst the other people.
e. I retrieve information on what the others plan to build and make my plans accordingly.
f. I use the materials to start a fire.
You don't want, say, two greenhouses, do you?
K den.